Charlotte Maccagnani, a 14-year-old rider, approached the world of riding only in September 2020, starting to ride the ponies of a riding school in Rome. Since January 2022, she has been a member of the S.S. Dilettantistica Lazio Equitazione and is coached by Instructor Sabina Luciani. Right from the start, she stood out for her great passion for this sport and, after just one year, she started competing with Nuvola, her first pony, quickly moving from jumping 40cm to 90cm, collecting excellent results and great satisfaction. Throughout 2022, riding ponies Nuvola and Quickly du Trou Marot, she took part in several Show Jumping competitions, achieving good results throughout Italy: 32 times in 1st place, 2nd place in the BP90 pony trophy, 11th place in the Italian Open, and 9th place in the Central Southern Championships. In early 2023, the grey Bracken du Kyo, known as Mister B, also joined Charlotte’s stable, with whom she is continuing her sporting growth path with enthusiasm. With Mister B, Charlotte participated and won her first international H110 competitions, she participated in the Pony Esordienti H110 Next Generation at the Montefalco Test Event, obtaining 5th place in style and 6th place in both phase and mixed competition, she obtained 1st place in the 6 Barriers – Reserved License in the Pony Master Show, 1st place in the BP105 category of the Pony Trophy, 7th place in the BP110 category of the Regional Championship, 10th place in the BP110 category of the Italian Open and 3rd place in her first GP in H115.

In August 2023, upon invitation from Fise Lazio, she participated in the Longines Global Future Champions in Valkenswaard (NED) H110, placing 3rd in the mixed competition and 4th in the against the clock class. Also in 2023, together with Quickly du Trou Marot, she achieved 1st place in the BP100 category of the Pony Trophy and in July she was also the winner of the 9th Volume of Campus Master Class.